Interview with Dr (Mrs) Victoria Omonigho Ekhomu the Chairman of Transworld Security Systems Limited, with Sun Newspaper 3rd of May 2023. Dr (Mrs) Victoria Omonigho Ekhomu presides over several security associations within and across the border especially the Association of Security & Safety Operators of Nigeria (AISSON). With an honorary doctorate, she is the widow of Dr. Ona Ekhomu, a well respected security expert. Since the demise of her husband, she has remained strong and victorious just as her name implies, resolutely refusing to allow the death of her husband destroy the successful business they started and nurtured together. In the period following the death of her husband, she has been able to make it wax stronger.  In this interview, she talks about coping with widowhood, winning awards for the firm and much more.

You have been quiet since the demise of Dr. Ona Ekhomu, your beloved husband. What have you being doing?

I have been holding up and trying to focus on ensuring that the company, which my husband left behind is still in full operation. Losing my husband has been quite emotional for me. It has not been easy at all, but God is great. I have been trying to cope with it because we weren’t just a married couple, we worked together as best of friends. So, I am trying to manage different things now; from the office to the home front, my children and to keep the family front together.  Though for the business aspect, since he was the chairman, while I was the Managing Director, I had to marry the two, put some structures together to ensure we keep on going. Again, with the competition in the industry, I also looked into re-branding the company, instead of just-there surviving. I tried to make it more profitable. I have opened some other branches to ensure that the company survives the economic changes that have taken place. We also thank God that we were able to retain all our locations. I had two cardinal goals when I resumed work which were retention and growth because I saw people within our profession who passed unto glory, other people started going into their accounts, be they family members or business associates. So, when mine happened, I got intelligence of attempts of incursion into our training arm knowing we are the African representative of International Foundation for Protection Officers. When I got the information, that became a wake-up call for me because if my husband was alive, that would not happen. So, as soon as I got a little strength and coming out of mourning period, I stood my grounds that nobody would take our locations because we will grow and retain. It is a different ballgame if I don’t want it again, but nobody should forcefully take it from me. My husband was a colossus, even workers were scared that the company would collapse with the demise of their chairman, boss and brother. I had to quickly come and salvage the situation and put their minds at rest. With my two cardinal goals, I was able to retain all our facilities, not that anyone could take it from me. Then growth-wise, I was able to achieve growing the business in addition to retaining the business as well.

You said earlier that you considered re-branding the company. Does the company still bear the Transworld Security name or has the name changed?

We have Transworld Security and School of Management which we just re-branded, not just retaining and remain at the same level because things are changing fast and quite dynamic. We also came up with new logo and a new brochure for the company. We did structures, got some other field positions, opened up Kano and Edo branches and got a new office for Abuja with a training centre in the same building. We usually do our training in hotels, so we decided to open an office that had a training centre in the same building and renovated them together just like our Lagos office where we have the same facilities though it might get some renovation too. We are moving gradually by His grace.

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Post by Chinyere Onyemachi

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